1- Exercise for improving balance in older people
Authors’ conclusions
There is weak evidence that some types of exercise (gait, balance, co-ordination and functional tasks; strengthening exercise; 3D exercise and multiple exercise types) are moderately effective, immediately post intervention, in improving clinical balance outcomes in older people. Such interventions are probably safe. There is either no or insufficient evidence to draw any conclusions for general physical activity (walking or cycling) and exercise involving computerised balance programmes or vibration plates. Further high methodological quality research using core outcome measures and adequate surveillance is required.
2- Inspiratory muscle training for cystic fibrosis
Authors’ conclusions
We have not found any evidence to suggest that this treatment is either beneficial or not. We would advise that practitioners evaluate on a case-by-case basis whether or not to employ this therapy. We recommend that future studies make more use of health-related quality of life and exercise tolerance measures; and that there is an agreement upon a single standard measure of classifying the clinical status of the participants.
3- Methods for obtaining unpublished data
Authors’ conclusions
Those carrying out systematic reviews should continue to contact authors for missing data, recognising that this might not always be successful, particularly for older studies. Contacting authors by e-mail results in the greatest response rate with the fewest number of attempts and the shortest time to respond.
Authors’ conclusions
Comparisons between the higher and lower training intensity were limited due to the small number of included studies and participants. Consequently, there are insufficient data to draw any conclusions on exercise capacity, symptoms and HRQoL for this comparison. For comparisons between continuous and interval training, both appear to be equally effective in improving exercise capacity, symptoms and HRQoL.
5- Physical fitness training for stroke patients
Authors’ conclusions
The effects of training on death, dependence, and disability after stroke are unclear. There is sufficient evidence to incorporate cardiorespiratory training involving walking within post-stroke rehabilitation programmes to improve speed, tolerance, and independence during walking. Further well-designed trials are needed to determine the optimal exercise prescription and identify long-term benefits.
6- Surgical versus non-surgical interventions for treating patellar dislocation
Authors’ conclusions
There is insufficient high quality evidence to confirm any significant difference in outcome between surgical or non-surgical initial management of people following primary patellar dislocation, and none examining this comparison in people with recurrent patellar dislocation. Adequately powered randomised, multi-centre controlled trials, conducted and reported to contemporary standards are recommended.
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