Le temps nécessaire pour ce cours est évalué à 24h sur les 6 semaines de durée de celui-ci.

Les objectifs du cours sont les suivants :
1. Describe the basic principles of the relation between exercise and health
2. Identify issues surrounding physical activity locally and globally
3. Explain the role of physical activity in chronic illness
4. Explain the role of physical acticvity in certain medical conditions
5. Communicate the importance of influencing physical activity opportunities for both patients and the public
6. Demonstrate appropriate selection of physical activity options for personal and workplace wellness
7. Design services with better access to exercise, physical activity and leisure time opportunities for patients and the public
8. Identify appropriate physical activity quantification methods
9. Recognise application of technology solutions to enhance physical activity

Pour en savoir plus sur le cours, cliquez-ici.

Pour vous inscrire, cliquez-ici.