While both groups improved considerably, the groups did not differ significantly on the SPADI after the intervention at 6 weeks (0 points, 95% CI -14 to 14) or when followed up at 26 weeks (-2 points, 95% CI -21 to 17). There were no between-group differences for pain at any time. The remaining outcomes also did not differ significantly, except for the clinical tests of shoulder impingement. In the supervised exercise group, 11 out of 23 participants had two or more positive tests, compared to 18 out of 21 in the home exercise group.


Supervision of more than the first session of a 6-week exercise regimen did not cause significant differences in pain and disability in people with subacromial impingement.

Références bibliographiques :

Granviken F et al. Home exercises and supervised exercises are similarly effective for people with subacromial impingement: a randomised trial. J Physiother. 2015 Jun 17. pii: S1836-9553(15)00053-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jphys.2015.05.014. Article sous presse.

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