1. Airway clearance techniques for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
To assess the safety and efficacy of Airway clearance techniques (ACTs) for individuals with exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD) and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
Authors’ conclusions
Evidence from this review indicates that airway clearance techniques are safe for individuals with COPD and confer small beneficial effects on some clinical outcomes. Consideration may be given to the use of airway clearance techniques for patients with COPD in both acute and stable disease, however current studies suggest that the benefits achieved may be small.
2. Mirror therapy for improving motor function after stroke
To summarise the effectiveness of mirror therapy for improving motor function, activities of daily living, pain and visuospatial neglect in patients after stroke.
Authors’ conclusions
The results indicate evidence for the effectiveness of mirror therapy for improving upper extremity motor function, activities of daily living and pain, at least as an adjunct to normal rehabilitation for patients after stroke. Limitations are due to small sample sizes of most included studies, control interventions that are not used routinely in stroke rehabilitation and some methodological limitations of the studies.
3. Patient education for neck pain
To assess the short- to long-term effects of therapeutic patient education (TPE) strategies on pain, function, disability, quality of life, global perceived effect, patient satisfaction, knowledge transfer, or behaviour change in adults with neck pain associated with whiplash or non-specific and specific mechanical neck pain with or without radiculopathy or cervicogenic headache.
Authors’ conclusions
With the exception of one trial, this review has not shown effectiveness for educational interventions, including advice to activate, advice on stress-coping skills, workplace ergonomics and self-care strategies. Future research should be founded on sound adult learning theory and learning skill acquisition.
4. Patient positioning (mobilisation) and bracing for pain relief and spinal stability in metastatic spinal cord compression in adults
To investigate the correct positioning (or mobilisation) and examine the effects of spinal bracing to relieve pain or to prevent further vertebral collapse in patients with metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC).
Authors’ conclusions
There is lack of evidence based guidance around how to correctly position and when to mobilise patients with MSCC or if spinal bracing is an effective technique for reducing pain or improving quality of life. RCTs are required in this important area.
5. Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) for cancer pain in adults
The aim of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of TENS for cancer-related pain in adults.
Authors’ conclusions
Despite the one additional RCT, the results of this updated systematic review remain inconclusive due to a lack of suitable RCTs. Large multi-centre RCTs are required to assess the value of TENS in the management of cancer-related pain in adults.
Les revues ont été sélectionnées par un comité de lecteurs indépendants.
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