Voici la liste des symposiums avec les intervenants :
– (In)activity and health in childhood onset disability across the lifespan . Janke de Groot (Netherlands), Tim Takken (Netherlands), Olaf Verschuren (Netherlands), Carol Maher (Australia), Lesley Wiart (Canada) .
– Advocacy in physical therapy: strategies for individuals and organisation . Emma Stokes (Ireland), Jonathon Kruger (Australia), Kenneth Harwood (United States of America), Jon Warren (New Zealand), Zola Dantile (South Africa) .
– Best practice for arm recovery post stroke: an international application . Steven Wolf (United States of America), Gert Kwakkel (Netherlands), Mark Bayley (Canada), Michelle McDonnell (Australia) .
– Braintrain: making the most of new technologies for stroke rehabilitation . Mindy F. Levin (Canada), Jane H. Burridge (United Kingdom), Sandeep K. Subramanian (Canada), John M. Solomon (India) .
– Chronic respiratory disease: high-quality evidence supports greater physiotherapy intervention . Mark Elkins (Australia), Susan Jenkins (Australia), Judy Bradley (Ireland), Camila Schivinski (Brazil) .
– Critical updates in our understanding of chronic pain . G. Lorimer Moseley (Australia), Michael Thacker (United Kingdom), David Walton (Canada) .
– Emerging use of interactive technology in rehabilitation for young people . Hilda Mulligan (New Zealand), Jennifer L Rowland (United States of America), Marlene Sandlund (Sweden), Joanne Potterton (South Africa), Parimala Kanagasabai (New Zealand) .
– Evidence based use of electrophysical agents for managing musculoskeletal pain . Jan M Bjordal (Norway), David Baxter (New Zealand), Ernesto Leal Junior (Brazil), Gladys Cheing (China), Liisa Laakso (Australia) .
– Exercise adherence: integrating theory, evidence and behaviour change techniques . Jean Hay-Smith (New Zealand), Sarah Dean (United Kingdom), Helena Frawley (Australia), Doreen McClurg (United Kingdom), Chantale Dumoulin (Canada) .
– Exercise therapy for chronic pain: retraining mind & brain . Jo Nijs (Belgium), Rob Smeets (Netherlands), Mark Bishop (United States of America), Niamh Moloney (Australia) .
– Frontiers in clinical trials . Rob Herbert (Australia), Sallie Lamb (United Kingdom), Rebecca Craik (United States of America), Chris Maher (Australia) .
– Go baby go!: solutions for maximizing augmented mobility for children . Ginny Paleg (United States of America), Cole Galloway (United States of America), Elisabet Rodby-Bousquet (Sweden), Hsiang-Han Huang (Taiwan) .
– ICCRPT: Exercise training/rehabilitation for people with special health needs . Shane Patman (Australia), Cathy Evans (Canada), Natascha Plani (South Africa), Sumio Yamada (Japan) .
– Integrating evidence into lower limb prosthetic rehabilitation in today’s world . Gillian Margaret Johnson (New Zealand), Lonwabo Godlwana (South Africa), Prasath Jayakaran (United Kingdom), Hemakumar Devan (New Zealand), Sara Drum (Ethiopia)
– Integrating formative assessment mechanisms during student clinical-internships: global perspectives . Joy Karges (United States of America), Aliya Chaudry (United States of America), Ana Maria Rojas Serey (Chile), Kanda Chaipinyo (Thailand), Joyce Mothabeng (South Africa) .
– Managing information and measurement to achieve excellence in service provision . Robert Jones (United Kingdom), Fiona Jenkins (United Kingdom), Janice Mueller (New Zealand), Ina Diener (South Africa), Carolyn Oddo (United States of America) .
– Meeting the global challenge of pain education for physical therapists . Julia Hush (Australia), Kathleen Sluka (United States of America), Graciela Rovner (Sweden) .
– Muscle strength in cerebral palsy treatment: current issues and developments . Annet J. Dallmeijer (Netherlands), Karen J. Dodd (Australia), Diane L. Damiano (United States of America), Desiree B. Maltais (Canada), Nicholas F. Taylor (Australia) .
– Physiotherapy in the ICU: current evidence and practical applications . Michelle Kho (Canada), Bronwen Connolly (United Kingdom), Linda Denehy (Australia), Jennifer Zanni (United States of America) .
– Rehabilitation and Parkinson’s disease: exercise is as important as medication . Gammon Earhart (United States of America), Colleen Canning (Australia), Lee Dibble (United States of America), Lynn Rochester (United Kingdom), Terry Ellis (United States of America) .
– Shoulder impingement syndrome: how does opinion regarding aetiology influence treatment? . Karen Ginn (Australia), Ann Cools (Belgium), Jeremy Lewis (United Kingdom), Jean-Sébastien Roy (Canada) .
– Stratified models of care for low back pain . Nadine E. Foster (United Kingdom), Jonathan C Hill (United Kingdom), Peter B O’Sullivan (Australia), John D Childs (United States of America), Mark J Hancock (Australia) .
– Strength training in physical therapy . Arto Hautala (Finland), Mark Richards (United States of America), Andrew Hills (Australia), Mikko Tulppo (Finland) .
– The third physical therapy summit on global health: health-based competencies . Elizabeth Dean (Canada), Gloria Umerah (Nigeria), Armele Dornelas de Andrade (Brazil), Anne Söderlund (Sweden), Margot Skinner (New Zealand) .
– Tendinopathy rehabilitation and ´tickets´ to treatment . Dylan Morrissey (United Kingdom), Peter Malliaras (Australia), Henning Langberg (Denmark), Alex Scott (Canada) .
– (In)activity and health in childhood onset disability across the lifespan . Janke de Groot (Netherlands), Tim Takken (Netherlands), Olaf Verschuren (Netherlands), Carol Maher (Australia), Lesley Wiart (Canada) .
– Advocacy in physical therapy: strategies for individuals and organisation . Emma Stokes (Ireland), Jonathon Kruger (Australia), Kenneth Harwood (United States of America), Jon Warren (New Zealand), Zola Dantile (South Africa) .
– Best practice for arm recovery post stroke: an international application . Steven Wolf (United States of America), Gert Kwakkel (Netherlands), Mark Bayley (Canada), Michelle McDonnell (Australia) .
– Braintrain: making the most of new technologies for stroke rehabilitation . Mindy F. Levin (Canada), Jane H. Burridge (United Kingdom), Sandeep K. Subramanian (Canada), John M. Solomon (India) .
– Chronic respiratory disease: high-quality evidence supports greater physiotherapy intervention . Mark Elkins (Australia), Susan Jenkins (Australia), Judy Bradley (Ireland), Camila Schivinski (Brazil) .
– Critical updates in our understanding of chronic pain . G. Lorimer Moseley (Australia), Michael Thacker (United Kingdom), David Walton (Canada) .
– Emerging use of interactive technology in rehabilitation for young people . Hilda Mulligan (New Zealand), Jennifer L Rowland (United States of America), Marlene Sandlund (Sweden), Joanne Potterton (South Africa), Parimala Kanagasabai (New Zealand) .
– Evidence based use of electrophysical agents for managing musculoskeletal pain . Jan M Bjordal (Norway), David Baxter (New Zealand), Ernesto Leal Junior (Brazil), Gladys Cheing (China), Liisa Laakso (Australia) .
– Exercise adherence: integrating theory, evidence and behaviour change techniques . Jean Hay-Smith (New Zealand), Sarah Dean (United Kingdom), Helena Frawley (Australia), Doreen McClurg (United Kingdom), Chantale Dumoulin (Canada) .
– Exercise therapy for chronic pain: retraining mind & brain . Jo Nijs (Belgium), Rob Smeets (Netherlands), Mark Bishop (United States of America), Niamh Moloney (Australia) .
– Frontiers in clinical trials . Rob Herbert (Australia), Sallie Lamb (United Kingdom), Rebecca Craik (United States of America), Chris Maher (Australia) .
– Go baby go!: solutions for maximizing augmented mobility for children . Ginny Paleg (United States of America), Cole Galloway (United States of America), Elisabet Rodby-Bousquet (Sweden), Hsiang-Han Huang (Taiwan) .
– ICCRPT: Exercise training/rehabilitation for people with special health needs . Shane Patman (Australia), Cathy Evans (Canada), Natascha Plani (South Africa), Sumio Yamada (Japan) .
– Integrating evidence into lower limb prosthetic rehabilitation in today’s world . Gillian Margaret Johnson (New Zealand), Lonwabo Godlwana (South Africa), Prasath Jayakaran (United Kingdom), Hemakumar Devan (New Zealand), Sara Drum (Ethiopia)
– Integrating formative assessment mechanisms during student clinical-internships: global perspectives . Joy Karges (United States of America), Aliya Chaudry (United States of America), Ana Maria Rojas Serey (Chile), Kanda Chaipinyo (Thailand), Joyce Mothabeng (South Africa) .
– Managing information and measurement to achieve excellence in service provision . Robert Jones (United Kingdom), Fiona Jenkins (United Kingdom), Janice Mueller (New Zealand), Ina Diener (South Africa), Carolyn Oddo (United States of America) .
– Meeting the global challenge of pain education for physical therapists . Julia Hush (Australia), Kathleen Sluka (United States of America), Graciela Rovner (Sweden) .
– Muscle strength in cerebral palsy treatment: current issues and developments . Annet J. Dallmeijer (Netherlands), Karen J. Dodd (Australia), Diane L. Damiano (United States of America), Desiree B. Maltais (Canada), Nicholas F. Taylor (Australia) .
– Physiotherapy in the ICU: current evidence and practical applications . Michelle Kho (Canada), Bronwen Connolly (United Kingdom), Linda Denehy (Australia), Jennifer Zanni (United States of America) .
– Rehabilitation and Parkinson’s disease: exercise is as important as medication . Gammon Earhart (United States of America), Colleen Canning (Australia), Lee Dibble (United States of America), Lynn Rochester (United Kingdom), Terry Ellis (United States of America) .
– Shoulder impingement syndrome: how does opinion regarding aetiology influence treatment? . Karen Ginn (Australia), Ann Cools (Belgium), Jeremy Lewis (United Kingdom), Jean-Sébastien Roy (Canada) .
– Stratified models of care for low back pain . Nadine E. Foster (United Kingdom), Jonathan C Hill (United Kingdom), Peter B O’Sullivan (Australia), John D Childs (United States of America), Mark J Hancock (Australia) .
– Strength training in physical therapy . Arto Hautala (Finland), Mark Richards (United States of America), Andrew Hills (Australia), Mikko Tulppo (Finland) .
– The third physical therapy summit on global health: health-based competencies . Elizabeth Dean (Canada), Gloria Umerah (Nigeria), Armele Dornelas de Andrade (Brazil), Anne Söderlund (Sweden), Margot Skinner (New Zealand) .
– Tendinopathy rehabilitation and ´tickets´ to treatment . Dylan Morrissey (United Kingdom), Peter Malliaras (Australia), Henning Langberg (Denmark), Alex Scott (Canada) .
Ouverture des inscriptions en Juillet 2014.
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La liste des intervenants est disponible ici.